What is Rgraphs.com

When generating graphs in R, it is always easier to start from a template R-script, rather than starting from scratch. In the long run, one will save a lot of time and effort using ready-made templates. Time is money! The goal of rgraphs.com is to create these templates for a wide variety of graphs.

Why R?

R is one of the most widely used programming languages in data science and statistics. We are fond of R because it is completely free and open source. It has a huge active and helpful community – which means if you have a problem in R, you can easily find someone to assist you. There are thousands of packages and tons of documentations online that provides all the functionalities to create almost any graph you can think of.

R provides fantastic data visualization packages. We will mainly use the package called Ggplot2 and other supportive tools for create our templates. Every now and then we will use other contributed packages or base packages if that is what we need to do get the job done.

The templates on rgraphs.com are structured such that the key functions that generate the graphs can be explained in a step-by-step approach to make it easy to understand.