How to Annotate on a Graph with R GGplot2
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How to Annotate on a Graph with R GGplot2

Functions such as annotate() and geom_text() can be used to annotate a graph in GGPLOT2. This article focuses on the annotate() function which uses data passed in as vectors. The geom_text() function, which uses data frames, is covered in another article. The following example is based on the iris dataset which is available in R….

How to Create a Scatterplot Matrix in R

How to Create a Scatterplot Matrix in R

A scatterplot helps you visualize the relationship between two variables. When there are more than two variables and you would like to visualize the relationship between each variable with every other variable, rather than generating a separate graph for each pair of variables, a scatterplot matrix is a much better approach. A scatterplot matrix presents…